Trauma Institute

What is Psychological First Aid

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Trauma Centre of Australia
Psychological First Aid Core Actions.

Contact and Engagement

Goal: To respond to contacts initiated by survivors, or initiate contacts in a non-intrusive, compassionate and helpful manner.

Safety and Comfort

Goal: To enhance immediate and ongoing safety, and provide physical and emotional comfort

Stabilisation (if needed)

Goal: To calm and orient emotionally overwhelmed or disoriented survivors

Information Gathering: current needs and concerns

Goal: To identify immediate needs and concerns, gather additional information and tailor Psychological First Aid interventions.

Practical Assistance

Goal: To offer practical help to survivors in addressing immediate needs and concerns.

Connection with Social Supports

Goal: To help establish brief or ongoing contacts with primary support persons or other sources of support, including family members, friends and community helping resources.

Information on Coping

Goal: To provide information about stress reactions and coping to reduce distress and promote adaptive functioning.

Linkage with Collaborative Services

Goal: To link survivors with available services needed at the time or in the future.