Trauma Institute

Peter Redding Biography

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Peter Redding Biography
Peter Redding is a registered psychologist, and a member of the Australian Psychological Society, and the International Coach Federation. He has wide ranging experience as a lecturer, trainer, facilitator, clinician, assessor, and coach over 30 years, and has been in private practice since 2006.
Peter is a qualified Hypnotherapist, and uses a wide variety of therapeutic approaches including NLP, EMDR, EFT, BSFF, CBT, ACT, Solution Focused Approaches, Energy Therapies, & Life Coaching.
Peter has extensive experience working with PTSD, and is Secretary of the Trauma and Psychology Interest Group in the Australian Psychological Society. He has carried out Trauma work with over 70 organisations.
He has 20 years experience in the D&A field in direct service delivery, management, training, lecturing, and consultancy, and completed Cert. IV in Alcohol and Other Drugs Work with Turning Point in 2005. He is accredited with DHS as a D&A counsellor, and as a Clinical and Educational Supervisor Drink Drive programs.
Peter has 20 years experience in the Family Court (assessment, treatment), and 5 years experience working in and running a Family Counselling agency. Currently he specialises in helping clients resolve issues which interfere with their ability to relate to self & others.
He has prepared over 6000 Court reports and assessments in all jurisdictions.
He has worked with Medicare since the inception of the Better Access program in 2006, dealing with a wide variety of problems referred from doctors.

Peter also provides a personal coaching service specialising in:

  • processing and resolving issues from the past affecting the present, eg. anxiety, stress, depression, trauma, guilt, anger, abuse, addictions, low self-esteem, etc.
  • helping the client manage situational stressors and reactions in the present
  • developing the client’s personal resources and strengths to get what they want from life in the future